This brief provides you with the challenge of dealing with a different demographic, negotiating narrative flow and potentially improve your illustration techniques. you are required to propose and began production on book designed for younger audience.
When we was given this brief I was very interested is what I would be able to create. There was various different areas that you are able to do for a children book but with the narrative to follow a message. At this point in time I was very interested in the dream aspect of research with weather your dream where something that you sub-conscience. This helped me with coming up with the idea that when you are a child your parents always say sweet dreams or ask if you dreamed anything last night. For a child or anyone who dreams I can sometime be an object, animal, nature, fairy’s, dragons e.t.c. The appear in the dreams and nothing is looking into further. Where various different psychologist have said you dreams hold key thinking to you feelings or something that is being held in you mind that is bothering you.
This is where I wanted to look at different objects that I could link with a child’s everyday worry or problem such as: being alone (no friends), bulling, school work or something that happened at school that they might be scared to admit to a teacher or parent.
For me to move forward to understand dreams and meaning of object I took to a book called ‘ Th dream dictionary from A to Z (Francis-Cheung, 2009). This book had everything in there about, when you see something in your dreams this is the meaning behind them. With using this information I went on to creating my story about a boy ( who a based off my partner) who is scared of starting an new school, he goes to his dream and dream about a dinosaur. the dinosaur then helps him to get over his worry and fear so that he is able to go to his new school happy and not so afraid.
When designing my book i looked into different style but the style of a popular TV series from when I was a kid called ’64 Zoo lane’ caught my eye. I was a simple design set up with the use of line and bold colours. when My character goes into his dreams I wanted the paged to be very simple with a white background. Indicating he is in a simple world and to give a kind of aspect of a cloud.
my book that I have illustration would be a book of a series where I would be the different charter’s (children) who are having different trouble and they go to there dreams and meet different object who help them understand and get other there worries.
Final Book illustration
Front, Back and Spine
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Page 13
The dream dictionary from A to Z
Francis-Cheung, T. (2009). The dream dictionary from A to Z. 1st ed. London: Harper Element.